Saturday, September 15, 2012

A little bit OF CAMPING

Bryce and I decided that it was time that we went on a camping trip. Seeing as our summer was basically made up of me laying sick on the couch, we needed to make the most of the last of the good weather. We planned out our destination (sort of) and bought all of the necessities. And...of course, as things always do, nothing went as planned. Bryce ended up working late and we didn't get on the road until 5:30. And then we realized that we both had different ideas of where we were going!

This meant an extra 15 minutes of trying to decide whether to go towards Salt Lake or Spanish Fork. I was feeling nice, so I let my dear husband win the battle and we headed to Spanish Fork ;-) By the time we found a decent campground, and paid our 20 bucks!! it was almost dark. Bryce, using his great Anasazi skills learned straight from White Beard, quickly set up the tent while I used my awesome girl's camp skills to start our fire.

Within an hour, it was pitch black, and we were already running out of fire wood. Let's just say that Bryce and I are the greatest planners of all time. The hunter/gatherer/survival instinct kicked in and we managed to scavenge some branches. While our fire wasn't the most impressive, I think we did the Anasazi tribe proud.
 At about nine, I was falling asleep already (funny how pregnancy does that to ya) and it was absolutely freezing so we ate our hotdogs in a snap and crawled into the warm sleeping bags. I fell asleep in about ten minutes, woke up at 2am to Bryce asking me if I could sleep (I was sleeping...until he asked me that dumb question) and then woke up again at five with a raging pregnancy bladder about ready to explode. I got my revenge on Bryce, woke him up, and had him walk to the outhouse with me in the pitch black. I gotta say, it was a strange experience peeing in the dark with Bryce holding the door open so I could just see the outline of the toilet while knowing that there were about 50 other campers nearby. Oh well, what can ya do?

We had just enough firewood the next morning for Bryce to roast his fruit pie and for me to warm up. Then we headed up a trail to get a good view of the area. If you haven't been to the mountains, now's the time to go!

 After that, we packed up and headed home. While it was short, cold, and not well planned, I'd say our first camping trip was a success.