Monday, March 18, 2013

Welcoming Savannah

It's been six weeks since our little miracle made her surprise entrance into this world...six weeks of both happiness as well as frustration and downright despair! Meet Savannah Jayne Richman!

Savannah was born four weeks early and unexpected. The day I went into labor I had my maternity pictures taken, lucky! I also had an appointment with my OBGYN to do a cervical exam to check for any dilation. The appointment confirmed that I was dilated to 2 1/2 centimeters and my doctor told me that I would likely have her early, maybe in two weeks or so. Little did we know that I was actually in the early stages of labor already and baby was on her way. Around 2 pm I started noticing the contractions, and around 3 we started timing them. But I still wasn't sure if I was in labor or not...until they got 3 minutes apart. After calling my aunt I realized that maybe this wasn't false labor after all. So we headed to the hospital around 9pm just to be safe. The nurse hooked me up to the monitors and low and behold I was having contraction upon contraction! My doctor called and said STAY and before we knew it we were getting ready to have our baby! At the time, I was sooo excited! My aunt made it to Utah in record time so she could be there for the birth and I felt like I was doing great working through the contractions. But then we hit a lull...I was dilated to a four and staying there. I wasn't really prepared for the question of breaking my water, so I went ahead and let my doctor do it. BAD MISTAKE! Immediately my contractions were horribly painful...unbearably painful! All of my preparation, all of my resolve seemed to fly out the window! When I was only at a 6 and my body was forcing itself to push already I thought I was going to die. I almost gave in to getting some medication in the form of Fentonal...but every time I considered it I would just look at Bryce and he would simply shake his was enough to get me to continue to continue to "consider" it haha The next few hours are a bit of a blur, but I do remember trying to escape to the bathroom once, slapping Bryce in the face, and swearing a few times. Later, fingernails in my aunt's arms would provide evidence of my pain.

Somehow, I made it through the entire delivery without any medication! However, I adamantly stated that I was "never doing this again". Little Savannah was born at 7:58 a.m. on Febuary 1st. She was 5 lbs 9 ounces and 19 inches long. Sadly, our baby girl had to spend two weeks in the NICU because of hypoglycemia. These two weeks were the longest of my life, and the day that I brought her home was the happiest. But I never would of guessed what layed in store...

I never realized how difficult being a parent would be. It has always been my dream to have a baby of my own and give her all of the things that I never had as a child. What I didn't know is that it is nearly impossible to juggle all of the responsibilities that come with raising a child and being a wife. Our apartment is now in a constant state of chaos and pajamas entirely make up my new wardrobe. I will never again judge another mother for having a messy house haha. And boy is Savannah a handfull! My nipples are red and sore from nursing, the garbage is full of poopy diapers, my back aches from holding her all day long, and my brain is slowly losing its ability to function...But I am happy to say that we are finally getting into the rhythm of things! Today I actually managed to clean the kitchen and the living room! Big news, I know! And Missy Moo is actually sleeping in her bassinet...a miracle in and of itself.

Needless to say, I love this baby girl more than words can express. I'm lucky to have a wonderful husband who helps me out more than a lot of husbands do. He is a great daddy and we're blessed to have him!

Looking back, I'm so glad that I delivered naturally and look forward to doing so again when the time comes...of course now I have some experience and know what to do differently. There is something so amazing about working through the pain and finding something wonderful at the end. I know this is cheezy, but it really is like running a marathon. Finishing a marathon is satisfying because it is so hard! What's the point in racing, where's the pride in making it to the end unless some pain and hurt is involved. It's what makes it so amazing! Just as a racer feels pride and accomplishment in getting through that race, I feel proud of myself for getting through that birth. It was the hardest thing I have ever done, the most painful thing I have ever done, and the most important thing I have ever done. Thank you Savannah for making my life count for something, and that's giving YOU the best life that I can.

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