Monday, December 9, 2013

Lorenzo Snow Lesson 21 (Loving God More Than you Love the World)

In the manual, Lorenzo Snow talks about the period of speculation that caused some of the most righteous saints, including many in the Quorum of the 12, to apostatize and leave the church.

In case you are like me and had no idea what in the heck speculation means,

It means investment in stocks, property, or other ventures in the hope of gain but with the risk of loss.


“That spirit of speculation rose out of the world, and swept over the hearts of the Saints like a mighty wave or rushing torrent, and many fell, and apostatized.”

Isn't this such great imagery?? Imagine how much damage an actual tsunami can literally destroys everything in its path. Now imagine a spiritual tsunami crashing down over the righteous. 

But that would never happen to us today right? Most of us don’t even invest in anything other than our usually sad and pitiful food storage.

How are people today “swept over” by a wave of speculation?
In other words, what are the things today that we put before God?

  • time spent on social media?
  • sleeping?
  • obsession with looks and image?
  • present buying?

I don’t think it’s too much of a stretch to say that we invest quite heavily into Christmas.

Sometimes it’s easy to forget what Christmas is really about and focus too much on presents.

I know that I LOVE to buy gifts. There's something so fun about getting someone exactly what they wanted and watching their face as they open your present. But sometimes, I focus way to much on this aspect of Christmas and I forget about WHY we celebrate the holiday. It certainly isn't about Santa Clause and the Christmas tree...even though that's certainly what it's becoming. 

“Some of [the Saints] began speculating; they forgot their religion, they forgot the principles that had been revealed to them, and many of them fell into the spirit of the times and were carried away with speculating. Difficulties arose. Envy and strife. And the Lord, being displeased with them, brought destruction into their midst.”

Can focusing so much on gift buying and shopping etc make us "forget our religion"? 

“As that spirit increased, disunion followed. Brethren and sisters began to slander and quarrel one with the other, because their interests were not in harmony.”

How can we relate these two quotes to our own lives during this Christmas season?


President Snow says,

“The god of the world is the gold and the silver. The world worships this god. It is all-powerful to them, though they might not be willing to acknowledge it.”

Is this true today?

“We have got to love God more than we love the world, more than we love gold or silver, and love our neighbor as ourselves.

"If we, in our manner, habits and dealings, imitate the world, thereby identifying ourselves with the world, do you think that God will bestow upon us the blessings we desire to inherit? I tell you no, He will not!...We must build ourselves up in the righteousness of heaven and plant in our hearts the righteousness of God."

President Snow speaks of the spirit of speculation. The antidote to the spirit of speculation is the spirit of Christ. Instead of harboring and fueling the destructive spirit of speculation, we need to tenderly nurture the spirit of Christ in our hearts.

How can we do this?

“An older boy and his young companion were walking along a road which led through a field. They saw an old coat and a badly worn pair of men’s shoes by the roadside, and in the distance they saw the owner working in the field.
“The younger boy suggested that they hide the shoes, conceal themselves, and watch the perplexity on the owner’s face when he returned.
“The older boy … thought that would not be so good. He said the owner must be a very poor man. So, after talking the matter over, at his suggestion, they concluded to try another experiment. Instead of hiding the shoes, they would put a silver dollar in each one and … see what the owner did when he discovered the money. So they did that.
“Pretty soon the man returned from the field, put on his coat, slipped one foot into a shoe, felt something hard, took it out and found a silver dollar. Wonder and surprise [shone] upon his face. He looked at the dollar again and again, turned around and could see nobody, then proceeded to put on the other shoe; when to his great surprise he found another dollar. His feelings overcame him. … He knelt down and offered aloud a prayer of thanksgiving, in which he spoke of his wife being sick and helpless and his children without bread. … He fervently thanked the Lord for this bounty from unknown hands and evoked the blessing of heaven upon those who gave him this needed help.
“The boys remained [hidden] until he had gone.” They had been touched by his prayer and felt something warm within their hearts. As they left to walk down the road, one said to the other, “Don’t you have a good feeling?”

Giving to others through our talents and sacrificing so that others can receive can help us to nurture the Spirit of Christ and become more like Him. 


“I find in reflecting on life, that this world is short compared with eternity; that our intelligence, the divinity within us, has always existed, was never created, and will always exist through all eternity. In view of these facts, it becomes us as intelligent beings, to realize that this life closes in a few days, then comes the life which is eternal.”

I challenge us all this Christmas to tear our focus away from the gift buying and present wrapping and all the emphasis on Santa and instead take the time to give of your talents and your love to those around you, to share the love and spirit of Christ. Because when this life is over, none of those presents are going to mean anything. The gifts and ribbons and bows are all staying.

"Through [your] faithfulness [you] shall possess thrones, principalities and powers, [your] children becoming as numerous as the stars in the firmament or the sands on the sea shore."

This is the great gift that Heavenly Father has in stow for us, and it’s greater than anything we can receive from a shelf

Friday, December 6, 2013

to vaccinate or not to vaccinate...that is the question!

I recently did a little poll to find out what some people's opinions are on vaccinating their children. I've always felt understanding towards both sides of the argument.

Out of seven of the responses, only 1 person was against vaccinations. Here are some of the comments that people had:

"We vaccinate for a reason, so that extremely dangerous diseases don't threaten epidemics. Whooping cough is on the rise especially in places like southern California where it's trendy to not vaccinate and some speculate that this is the cause of the spike in cases both in adults and children."

"I think the risk of getting a deadly disease while not vaccinated is greater than having a negative reaction to the vaccination."

"The ingredients are toxic and there are horrible adverse reactions ( nothing new to many but sadly too often overlooked) , which do not merit being outeweighed by any supposed benefits. Our children are sicker than ever with the rise in vaccines and I'm not afraid of the diseases vaccines are said to prevent ( btw there are no studies that have been done to show their effectiveness or causation of a decline in preventable diseases, just correlation). I don't believe a healthy immune system is found through a needle."

On one hand, there are some pretty terrible diseases out there and we have an obligation to protect both our own children as well as others from contracting them.

On the other hand, there really is no way to show what the ultimate effects of vaccinations will be on our children.

But what if you're sitting on the fence? Or you just don't know very much about either side of the dilemma?

I pulled up a few good articles both for and against infant and child vaccinations.


1. Anti-Vaccination Movement Causes a Deadly Year in the U.S.

2. The Dangers of the Antivaccine Movement

3. How Vaccines Prevent Diseases

4. Anti Vaccine Body Count


5. Mum stands by her decision not to vaccinate kids

6. Should Any Vaccines be Required for Children?

As I was doing this research, I actually discovered that there are quite a few more articles supporting vaccinations than discouraging them. Personally, I choose to vaccinate my daughter but I think it's important for each of us to actually ask our children's doctors to explain each vaccination they are receiving and to research and understand them. I chose not to have Savannah given the flu shot. I'm sure many people are going to look down on that decision, but I feel like it was the right one for us.

So what do you think? Comment and share your thoughts on infant and child vaccinations!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Baby Logic

Isn't it amazing the way our little people discover and explore the world? My husband makes fun of what he likes to call "Baby Logic."

For example, if a baby finds something, she looks at it and thinks, "hmmm..what is this? I think I'll put it in my mouth!" = baby logic

in case you were wondering, that's my grocery list

But isn't it kind of great? I mean, yeah, it's not like I enjoy finding a TACK in Savannah's mouth or am constantly on the lookout for paper, pencils, or ANYTHING left on the floor but c' logic is pretty awesome.

They have such carefree lives! Don't you wish you could just spew on the floor and then play in it like it's a nice little rain puddle? Or make HUGE mess and not worry one bit. Or use your hands to shove food in your mouth?

Babies are amazing. Savannah specifically. Today I sat and watched her play for over an hour. Boring you say? Better things to do with my time, you suggest?

Well, have YOU ever watched a baby explore? It's pretty much the most entertaining thing on earth. You can literally observe the house get messier and messier...much like watching a flower slowly open in the sunlight. it's a pretty beautiful thing.

 she enjoys taking down a movie, staring at it's cover for a while, throws it aside, and then takes down the next one. this is a fun game to watch living room went from this. in an hour. and this isn't even showing the whole room. 

Despite the mess, I really enjoyed my day with my little sweetie pie. In those moments when I'm eating her tummy and she starts laughing in that freaking adorable way, I just feel so amazed that Heavenly Father sent her to ME. He trusts me with this little angel who is so innocent and full of love and that's pretty incredible. I mean, I have a hard enough time letting family members BABYSIT. I can't imagine sending my precious child away to be raised by someone who I just have to trust to make good decisions, and trust to raise her with morals and integrity, and trust to love her with all their hearts. 

So thank you Heavenly Father for the angel that you sent me.

I don't know if I'm the best parent I can be, and I don't think any of us can really KNOW that. we just have to trust in ourselves like God trusts in us. And maybe stop worrying so much about the messes and just give in to a little baby logic.