Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Baby Logic

Isn't it amazing the way our little people discover and explore the world? My husband makes fun of what he likes to call "Baby Logic."

For example, if a baby finds something, she looks at it and thinks, "hmmm..what is this? I think I'll put it in my mouth!" = baby logic

in case you were wondering, that's my grocery list

But isn't it kind of great? I mean, yeah, it's not like I enjoy finding a TACK in Savannah's mouth or am constantly on the lookout for paper, pencils, or ANYTHING left on the floor but c'mon....baby logic is pretty awesome.

They have such carefree lives! Don't you wish you could just spew on the floor and then play in it like it's a nice little rain puddle? Or make HUGE mess and not worry one bit. Or use your hands to shove food in your mouth?

Babies are amazing. Savannah specifically. Today I sat and watched her play for over an hour. Boring you say? Better things to do with my time, you suggest?

Well, have YOU ever watched a baby explore? It's pretty much the most entertaining thing on earth. You can literally observe the house get messier and messier...much like watching a flower slowly open in the sunlight. it's a pretty beautiful thing.

 she enjoys taking down a movie, staring at it's cover for a while, throws it aside, and then takes down the next one. this is a fun game to watch

and...my living room went from clean....to this. in an hour. and this isn't even showing the whole room. 

Despite the mess, I really enjoyed my day with my little sweetie pie. In those moments when I'm eating her tummy and she starts laughing in that freaking adorable way, I just feel so amazed that Heavenly Father sent her to ME. He trusts me with this little angel who is so innocent and full of love and that's pretty incredible. I mean, I have a hard enough time letting family members BABYSIT. I can't imagine sending my precious child away to be raised by someone who I just have to trust to make good decisions, and trust to raise her with morals and integrity, and trust to love her with all their hearts. 

So thank you Heavenly Father for the angel that you sent me.

I don't know if I'm the best parent I can be, and I don't think any of us can really KNOW that. we just have to trust in ourselves like God trusts in us. And maybe stop worrying so much about the messes and just give in to a little baby logic. 

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