Sunday, January 26, 2014

Why the World Needs Moms

Dear Amy Glass:

It was pretty sad to read your article criticizing the role of motherhood as well as wifehood.

I Look Down on Young Women with Husbands and Kids and I'm Not Sorry

I just have a few things to say to you in response:

** Feminism isn't about degrading a woman for choosing a traditional lifestyle. The purpose of feminism isn't to tell women what they can't or shouldn't do, but to give them the same opportunities as any other person.

** Because I'm positive you don't have children, let me share with you something every mother quickly learns: Motherhood IS work. The only difference between me and you is that I can't reason with my boss, because she's one years old. Not only do I have to figure out what she needs/wants every second of the day, but if I don't get it right, I have to deal with screaming, kicking, yelling, throwing, and tears. I clean one mess up only to be confronted with another. I spend hours researching how to be better at my job because if I fail in my job as a mother, I am responsible for the outcome. I am responsible for raising a human being to be a productive, loving, kind, charitable, thoughtful individual. The worst thing that can happen to you is you get fired. I actually have another person's life literally in my hands. Now, please tell me that a stay-at-home mom is "not on equal footing" with "a woman who works."

** You really don't see marriage and having a baby as a life milestone?? You say it's "the most common thing." If by common you mean that most women are capable of creating human life, then yes, you are right. But if by common you mean insignificant, you are so so wrong. I don't know anything less significant than the experience of having someone give his whole self to you, and you to him, or the first time you feel your child kick inside of you and you realize that there is actually a tiny person in there, or the moment when they finally place that precious baby in your arms and all those hours of the most horrible pain you have ever felt becomes lost in the background of her beautiful blue eyes. You have your whole life to get your dream job or backpack across Europe, but only a short window of opportunity to experience the joys of childbirth, the laughter of your children, and the pride that comes from knowing that YOU did this, that you sacrificed so much, so willingly. Having children isn't "nothing", but everything.

** You say that a woman who is married with children can't get her "dream job" or travel or achieve any of her dreams. In my opinion, you are completely ignorant. My sister has an amazing job that she loves...and guess what, she's married and has an adorable little boy. It doesn't have to be one or the other, and not every dream involves elaborate trips or high paying careers. Why do you feel like women must choose between working and motherhood?? It is people like you who pit working moms against SAH moms. We are all the same, just trying to enjoy life and do what is best for our families and ourselves.

** I just have to wonder what the world would be like if every mother/father just up and decided to stop doing housework. I hate housework, personally. I get so sick of cleaning up the same messes day after day after day. But I do it, because someone's got to! And I've got to laugh because I'm pretty sure that even doctors have to get their laundry done at some point. Dang...I guess even when you go to medical school your clothes don't magically clean themselves. (sigh)

** Men DO think managing the household is important. I know my husband loves to come home to a clean house and a yummy dinner, especially after a hard day out in the cold working his butt off. I just don't get your argument. Someone's got to take care of the home, feed the children, and manage to be awesome the entire who's going to do it if it isn't mom and dad? Maybe you could explain to us all how you manage to keep the house clean??

** Almost every single one of those doctors, engineers, and business people have a mother who loved them, taught them, cared for them, washed their clothes, and supported them to reach their dreams.

So the next time you write an article (which anyone can do by the's completely "ordinary") try not to talk about things that you have absolutely no experience with. Because, quite frankly, it makes you look utterly ridiculous. I'm here to say that the world NEEDS moms, and I applaud every single woman who has sacrificed to become one, because trust me, you always sacrifice something when it comes to being a parent. Motherhood is the ultimate form of selflessness, which obviously you know nothing about.

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