Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Saint George Triathlon 2012

I don't know what it is, but for some very strange reason my husband loves the sweat, exhaustion, and chaos that unreliably comes with triathlons. For those who don't know, triathlons are races that consist of swimming among hundreds of other frantic racers, jumping out of the water and taking off like a madman on a bike, and then finishing it off with a refreshing run. Needless to say, it is a bit intense. This has become Bryce's hobby and somehow, his whole family has gotten into it! This brings us to the Saint George Triathlon where craziness is abundant and shade is scarce. Bryce, his two brothers, his dad, and a cousin all signed up for the triathlon. Bryce signed up for the Olympic distance (.93 mile swim, 25 mile bike, 6.2 mile run) along with his brother Jay, and his dad, brother, and cousin all did the sprint distance (.47 mile swim, 12 mile bike, 3.1 mile run), two of which did a beginners distance which was a little less than the sprint. We were invited to stay with Jay and Sofia in their condo...which was AMAZING! 
The morning of the race, all the boys got pumped up, drank down their Gatorade, and prepared for the heat. 

And trust me, it was toasty out there! Poor Sofia bravely faced the sun while pregnant so she could see her man perform. She even helped him puke up the water he had swallowed during the swim...now that's the kind of lady a man should marry! 

The best part of the whole thing was when Bryce ran out of the water, straight up to me, and gave me a huge, wet/sweaty kiss! The whole crowd awwed...he won major points for that one. This is the shot I got of him coming out of the lake. He kind of looks like a creepy water zombie but I just see sexy ;-)

The rest of the race was a success for everyone! Bryce finished with a great time and lots of cheers, his brothers, despite the fact that Jay barfed it up, made it to the finish triumphant, and Old Man Burke pushed through and crossed the finish line with screams from his devoted fans (nothing beats Ann when she is showing support!) Jay and Sofia's children were angels and we all got free Cafe Rio burritos when it was all over. Plus, all of our husbands got a little bit more attractive with that medal around their neck!

Needless to say, now they are all hooked on triathlons and I have a feeling we will be spending a lot more time out in the sun cheering our men on. 

Nobody shows the excitement better than Gabby and Tiago.Hurrah for Bryce, Burke, Jay, Kyle, and Tyler!

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