Thursday, June 28, 2012

A Little of Twin Falls

While Provo is a fun place to be for young couples, Bryce and I always find ourselves looking north to Idaho. Twin Falls is where we grew up, where we met, and where most of our family lives. It was great to finally be able to go home and visit everyone, especially all of those adorable nieces and nephews who need a little smothering.

This adorable little man has grown a ton since I've seen him last. Jaxton will be one in September and he's already rambunctious...I don't know how his mamma keeps track of him. Jax is the first child of my sister Emma and her husband Deyson, and boy do they know how to make a cute baby. Lucky for me, Jax isn't people shy and had no problem with me kissing his fat cheeks and squeezing his chubby body. I definitely haven't gotten my fill of this little guy. He better prepare for a lot of lovin from Aunt Haylee! However, he also gave me a cold so I think I'll stay away when he starts sneezing!

I also got to see my sister Alisha's kids, Tristan, Grace, and Aedon as well as my aunt Jennifer and her kids, McKenna, Ethan, Kallie, and Logan.

 We had such a great time visiting with these kiddos! Grace and Aedon look like they've grown two feet! And Aedon definitely isn't a baby anymore. Of course, all of their mustaches are coming in quite nicely.

And now, a little tribute to my cousin McKenna. McKenna will be 12 in January and she is honestly the sweetest, most helpful, amazing girl ever. McKenna doesn't mind helping her mamma out whenever she needs her and is absolutely adored by her little brother Logan. McKenna, otherwise known as "Sissy" is a wonderful big sister and has always been an angel child.
Since she's turning twelve, soon she'll be going into Young Women's and start getting callings in the church! I'm so excited to watch as she continues to grow into a beautiful and faithful young woman. Her mom is a little nervous about her going off to Girl's Camp...and eventually...dare I say it?! And boy are the boys gonna be running after this girl. She's both beautiful inside and out and luckily not quite boy crazy yet. I just know that any boy who wants to take her out is first going to have to go through an army, with her dad heading it. Now THAT's a scary thought! I absolutely adore this girl and even had her as one of my bridesmaids! She's like a sister and it was great getting to see her.

The second day in Twin, we were able to go boating with Bryce's family and Mark and Heidi Wasden at Murtaugh Lake. While I only went on the tube once, I had a heck of a time watching Bryce crash into the water. However, that boy's got skills on the knee board.

I think we both needed some fun and we sure did get it. We also got massive sunburns. My shoulders and thighs are still aching from that blistering Idaho sun. Maybe next time I'll take Ann's advice and put on a little sunscreen! Despite the burns, we had a great time on the lake.

Probably the worst experience was the drive-in. Both Bryce and I had been looking forward to going to the Twin Falls drive-in, and got even more excited when we found out that the Avengers was playing. We got there late and came for the second movie. We met up with Jenny, Ken, and their family and sat down to enjoy the show. Of course, literally five minutes after we got there that wonderful Idaho wind decided to make an appearance. Not only was it blowing great amounts of dirt around in the air, it was also ice cold. So there I was, in the middle of June, having just enjoyed the 75 degree weather earlier, now wrapped up in a quilt with just my eyes poking out. It was so cold that we had to leave, as did a lot of other people. 12$ wasted :( McKenna decided that we had brought the wind in with us.

Needless to say, by the end of the weekend we were bushed and ready to go home. Bryce was so tired he basically fell asleep wherever he sat down. It was great to see the family and it was also great to get home and back to our own bed.

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