Friday, July 27, 2012

Week 10

Another baby update! I'm in my tenth week and things are starting to look up a little. The nausea is settling down somewhat and I'm praying that by the end of the first trimester that it will be gone for good! I have my first appointment coming up on Monday and I couldn't be more excited! Cross your fingers that they will do an ultrasound and I can get my first look at the little squirming alien inside. I also finally had my first baby dream...and it was a boy! And my grandma had a dream as well that she was holding an adorable fat, blonde, baby boy. Seeing as both Bryce and I were blonde as youngsters, I'm starting to have my suspicions. I guess we'll see though.
On other baby news, my sis Amber is currently having contractions and expects to be in the hospital by tonight! Hopefully we'll be welcoming another baby boy into the family soon :)

So here's what's going on with my baby:

All of the babies vital organs have formed and his fingers and toes have fully separated. Every minute, he is producing 250,000 brain cells! He is also about the size of a quarter, but in just a couple of weeks he'll be as big as a kiwi!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Everywhere I look I see a baby. Babies crawling on the floor, babies around the door, babies walking on the walls, babies down the halls! Congratulations to all of my family who have recently or will soon have a baby! Here's the big list...Bryce's brother Jay and his wife Sofia just had their third child, Lucas, yesterday; My brother Jake and his wife Rashmi had their third son, Zander, a couple of days ago; and my sis Amber is expecting her second son and fourth child in the beginning of August! Three new little baby boys :) And congratulations to myself and Bryce because we will be having a baby at the end of February! Surprise! 

Right now I'm about six weeks and already this little thing is taking a toll on my body. Luckily, I haven't barfed yet...but it's been close. Just last night I was spending time with friends from the ward and we were all snacking on smores. However, as I watched them take bites out of those crunchy chocolately bits of goodness I suddenly felt like I was going to throw up! What in the heck??? I love s'mores! I guess the baby doesn't! I had to step away for a while and I couldn't watch them eat anymore! 

I've also been a bit emotionally unstable...okay, more than a bit. Poor Bryce, he's going to have to deal with a grumpy wife for the next nine months! But he's so excited I think he'll survive somehow :) 
So right now my baby is about the size of a grain of rice! Pretty darn small! The nervous system and all major body organs have begun to form and it's facial features are beginning to develop. 
We are soooo excited for our baby to get here! Hopefully we can be as good of parents as all of the amazing examples that we have!