Wednesday, August 14, 2013

In with the old

Missing Utah....

1. Grid System. hello Boise and complicated street names. Oh how I miss that grid system. All I had to do in Utah was go in a direction and sooner or later I'd know if I was going the right way or not. Boise is not conducive to Haylee's navigation brain. After 2 weeks I know how to get to Walmart....up the street.

2. Lydia Nelson. my very feminist friend who just got married and is oh so adorable with her new hubby. short story: when I first moved to Provo with Miss Kaity Pearl we had a smoothie party to try to get to know some girls in our ward. Lydia was the only person to show up. we've been friends ever since.

3. That view. there's nothing like those big mountains looming over you.

4. Macy's Ice cream. In Utah, Macy's is a grocery store and deep inside you can find the cheapest and yummiest and most gigantic ice cream for only 70 cents. sigh....

5. Sunday dinner at Grandma's house. There's just something about sitting at grandma's eating a meal with family all chattering away at the dinner table....Grandma and Grandpa Richman are two of the sweetest people you'll ever meet!

6. BYU. I'm still trying to resign myself to finishing my degree at Boise State. I loved the ECE program at BYU, I loved the professors, and I loved the campus.

Loving Boise...

1. Family!!! It is awesome living near family. we have already gone swimming many times, gone out to dinner, invited peeps over, gotten invited over, and have just hung out with both my sister and Bryce's bro and wife. It's great having automatic friends who you don't have to worry about impressing. Plus, we've been out of the house having more fun in the past two weeks than we've had in the past 2 months. seriously.

2. That Idaho feel. for all of those who think idaho is just some hick state where everyone sits around and chews on're totally right! and boy is it refreshing. hey guess what Utahans, it's okay to sit back and relax a little!

3. Utah Drivers No Survivors. Idaho drivers are nice. they'll actually let you change lanes or stop and let you merge. and...this is amazing...they don't run red lights. unlike in Utah where everyone speeds up when the light turns yellow and you have to wait about 20 seconds after your light turns green to go because some idiots are driving right through their red lights, in Idaho people slow down. crazy huh?

4. Our apartment. so so so so so cute. we will be here for a loooong time. the only negative: all the nasty spiders I've been finding.

5. Home. These are my people, this is where I come from ( a little Rodney Atkins for ya)


  1. oh! HEART! this totally made my day! i miss you too haylee! thank you! haha, you forgot to mention the part where you didn't like me at first haha. :) i'm glad you're liking boise. don't forget to visit your beloved utah often!

    1. I liked you from the very beginning what are ya talkin about!? who couldn't like Lydia Nelson?? :)
