Sunday, August 4, 2013

A New Chapter

Moving is not fun. At. All. Anyone who enjoys moving is either crazy or very organized. Moving with a baby is almost impossible.

Her expression says it all...

But, with a little bit of will power and a lot of help (thank you auntie Erika and Uncle Ken!) we managed to pack up our entire life and move over 400 miles to Boise Idaho!

Our new little apartment is absolutely perfect. We have a nice little kitchen nook with big windows, a back porch and plenty of nearby family. Sofia even says that the apartment is so nice it makes our furniture look more expensive! Which is pretty sweet considering it all came from D.I....

One of the best features is that we are so close to all of our family, and even have some fam here in Boise. We plan on spending a lot of time with Bryce's brother and his family as well as my sis and hers. They even stayed the week with us (talk about crowded!) and turns out Savannah LOVES Alisha. I don't know if it's because she reminds her of me or if Alisha is just weird looking but baby girl thinks she's hilarious and nearly splits her face smiling at her. I think we found a babysitter....

Since we are on the subject of Miss Savannah...

She is now 6 months, almost 15 lbs, and eating big girl food like nobody's business. I can't believe how fast the time has gone. Seems like it was just yesterday when I was bringing her home from the hospital. Boy has she grown since then. Our little preemie has become a food and milk junkie and has really put on the pounds, even surpassing her cousin Laila in the weight department. It's okay though...I like her chubby little cheeks and kissing her fat little belly. There's just something about baby chub that makes you want to sqweel in delight and eat them.

Can Someone please explain to me when this ^ happened??

While my baby sure has developed into a robust little girl...there are some things that haven't changed. For instance...she still manages to spit up down my bra, spit up on the floor, spit up all over her clothes, and pretty much spit up wherever there ISN'T a burp cloth. Sigh...

Miss Vannah has decided that she wants REAL food. We actually have to be careful cause she'll keep eating and eating and eating...and then spits it all up later of course! So far she has had avocado, green beans, sweet potatoes, peaches, bananas, and oatmeal. She loves them all, especially the fruit and sweet potatoes. Seems our girl takes after her daddy and has got a sweet tooth. We've also been making baby food at home. So much cheaper and healthier! 

While we've reached that milestone, baby girl still isn't sitting up on her own. Like rolling, she can do it, just has no interest unless she's sitting on mommy's lap. Oh well...I firmly believe that babies work on their own time. They do when they are ready to do. And no amount of pouting, bribing, or clapping will make it otherwise! 

Being a mother is all that I ever expected and more. The first three months I would probably have laughed at that statement and then pounded my head on the floor but these little gifts from God are so precious! It is overwhelming and humbling that Savannah has complete trust in me, and a pure love. She is perfect in every way, so innocent and so understanding to my mistakes. After a long day, it's all worth it when she snuggles into my neck or takes my hand or gives me a slobbery kiss. The love you feel for your child is so unexplainable because it is a perfect love. Maybe not as perfect as God's love, but as close to it as we can get. And if I feel that way... how great Heavenly Father's love for us must be! 

She is my life and makes our family whole. Tonight we just hung out, the two of us. She sang to the couch and I gave her kisses and we watched Prince of Egypt. That's better than any party. 

I make mistakes sometimes, and I get impatient. I know I will continue to make mistakes when it comes to parenting. But I'm so grateful God has chosen me to be Savannah's mother. And whenever I'm down, I can simply look into her eyes and see God's love shining out of them. 

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