Friday, November 29, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving

When did Thanksgiving become such a stressful occasion?? Oh wait, that's right...when we had a kid. Of course Savannah just couldn't wait until AFTER our thanksgiving trip to start getting those top teeth in. No, it was so much more fun to experience it during the holidays while we were out of town.

For a baby who is already clingy and a big momma's girl, the extra discomfort just made everything even better. Not to mention going from one big crowd to another while everyone talks and yells and makes it pretty much impossible for a little gal to take a nap. Yeah...we were up every two hours with the little miss the night before Thanksgiving.

Let's just say, we were very happy to get home last night and sleep in our own beds!

But! It was so great to be able to spend time with so much family! The food was DELICIOUS and Savannah really really really liked sampling everything. Her aunties were complaining that I stuff her with food but how can you say no to that little chubby face begging for another bite of pie??

What was really awesome was that I got to see 3 of my very best friends from the high school days! Miss Sarah Stephenson stopped by and I got caught up on her very fabulous life. Can you believe that girl is going to go off to L.A. or New York or somewhere else equally exciting after she graduates??

And Whitney and Jordan (cutest married couple ever, btw) got a little visit from us! We haven't seen them for over a year and they got to meet Savannah for the first time! It was so fun to be able to spend some time with them and just relax a little bit.

I definitely miss these people! As a parent, it's a lot harder to make friends so it's nice to be able to hang out with people who you've known for so so long.

Sorry I have no holiday pics to share but as the little lady gets older I'm so busy chasing her around I forget to snap her adorable moments! Speaking of won't be too long before our big girl starts walking! Already 10 months old! I just can't believe it! The time really does go by so fast and they learn everything so quickly!

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I am so grateful for my beautiful family. I'm grateful for wet slobbery kisses, for smiles, for amazing food. I'm grateful for all the love that we receive.

Mostly I'm grateful for Heavenly Father's presence in our lives. He is always there helping us along the way and sending gentle reminders that we are all special :)

HAPPY THANKSGIVING...and please, be careful out there this black friday. try not to hurt anyone, and stay away from the old lady's with the big bags...they are the most dangerous.

1 comment:

  1. Love this post, Haylee. :) Also, stuff that baby! She's a baby! What other time in her life is it okay and actually cute to be chubby! You're just letting her enjoy it while she can. :)
