Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Teaching Our Children Values: Media

I remember rushing home after school as a child, trying to beat my sister Emma to the T.V. so that I could watch one of my shows. My favorite was Wishbone, a series that focused on a dog that played a different character from a different book in each episode. I also loved the old Batman series and Tom and Jerry. And when I was really young I used to watch Price is Right with my mom after everyone else went to school.

...but having 5 older siblings meant that I also saw a lot of adult shows like Chucky. Funny that the scenes from that horror movie still stick in my mind today. Rated R movies were shown to me on a daily basis and even as the youngest for 6 years I was never shielded from adult content. I've known what sex was for as long as I can remember.

Today, I see children watching cartoons all the time, and they are surprisingly very inappropriate for these little minds that are so easily shaped by what they see.

"Too many children are watching too much television and the shows they are watching (even if they are cartoons) have become violent and addictive. The marketing of cartoons has become overpowering in the United States and so has the subliminal messaging. The marketing is targeted toward the children to cause them to want to view the cartoons on a regular basis, but he subliminal messaging is for the adults' to target them into enjoying the "cartoons". This is unfortunate because children watch the cartoons on the television and they see material that is not appropriate for their age group."

Example A: Spongebob Square Pants

Personally, I've never seen the appeal in this show. I prefer stories that have actual plots with meaning, perhaps a moral...not something you will find in this cartoon. The characters live in "Bikini Bottom", Spongebob works for "Mr. Krabs" and makes Krabby patties, "Sandy Cheeks"... not to mention the things that are said and go on in the episodes. Just take a moment and think about it. I personally know that I'm NOT okay with my little girl watching a show where an adult...he may be a sponge but an adult nonetheless...acts like a child and is constantly losing his pants.

Or my personal favorite: The Cat in the Hat

Did anyone else raise their eyebrows when The Cat in the Hat steps on a hoe and says "Dirty Hoe! I'm sorry baby I love you."? Yeah...I really want my child watching that...real discreet.

Yeah, T.V. and movies are great. I wish Savannah enjoyed them more...or do I? A lot of times we stick kids in front of the T.V. because it acts as one of the best babysitters. They become completely engrossed and we can do whatever we want. But in the end, do I want my children to beg me to go outside or to stop what I'm doing to sit down and play house for a half hour, or do I want them whining and crying until I turn on some movie or show so they can become oblivious to the world around them? hmmm...and what about those movies and shows that go too far, that advertise themselves as family friendly shows or a short time of silence for weary parents but end up causing crippling emotional damage through their inappropriate themes and horrific images?

I for one want to instill good values in my little girl. Right now, her mind is a blank slate, and I want it to one day be full of good thoughts, of happy memories, and righteous beliefs. I don't want her to look back and see images of a creepy killer doll murdering children or develop a sense of humor that finds crude and disgusting behavior amusing. I want Savannah to live by the Young Women's Theme:

We are daughters of our Heavenly Father, who loves us, and we love Him. We will stand as witnesses of God, at all times, in all things, and in all places, as we strive to live the Young Women Values: Faith, Divine Nature, Individual Worth, Knowledge, Choice and Accountability, Good Works, Integrity, and Virtue. We believe as we come to accept and ACT upon these values, we will be prepared to strengthen home and family, make and keep sacred covenants, receive the ordinances of the temple, and enjoy the blessings of exaltation. 

Regardless of individual faith, as parents we have the responsibility to protect these innocent minds and fill them with good things and make sure that they are subjected to nothing vile. When my daughter learns about sex, I want it to come from me, not from the playground or from T.V. However, this might be impossible if other parents don't stand up and take action against these "children's" shows.

"Satan uses medie to decieve you by making what is wrong and evil look normal, humorous, or exciting. He tries to mislead you into thinking that breaking God's commandments is acceptable and has no negative consequences for you or others. Do not attend, view or participate in anything that is vulgar, immoral, violent, or pornographic in any way. Do not participate in anything that presents immorality or violence as acceptable. Have the courage to walk out of a movie, change your music, or turn off a computer, television, or mobile device if what you see or hear drives away the Spirit."

And let's not forget...what we watch oftentimes our children are watching. Those little itty bitty children can sure pick up on a lot, as evidenced by the occasional child you hear happily shouting out a swear word, or in my case, loudly singing "Oh my my, oh hell yes, honey put on that party dress."!

Let's instil some values, not support bad behavior and crude messages.

Okay, rant over.

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