Thursday, June 6, 2013

On Shots...and other things

Savannah Jayne: 4 months
Weighs 12 lbs
Height: 23 1/2"

Oh boy! These four months have flown by, and looking back, I miss that tiny little babe! But now a new chapter begins, and this baby isn't so tiny anymore! 

Today was Savannah's 4 month appointment. We weighed her, measured her, and all that other good stuff. I wasn't too surprised when the scale said 12 lbs. My sore arms are a testament to her weight gain. For a premature baby this little one knows how to impress. She jumped from the 5th percentile to the 10th! All this weight probably has something to do with the fact that she eats like a starving shark. And when she's hungry, she's HUNGRY. She wants it NOW and any waiting results in angry screams directed towards me. What can I say...she takes after her daddy. 

A few new things were learned today. 

1. Savannah has a second birth mark on the back of her head. Hopefully she gets hair soon because people are always asking me "What in the heck is on her's going to go away right??" Um...apparently not. She's also got a little birth mark on her ankle...but that one's a lot less noticeable. 

2. Savannah CAN roll over...she's just not interested in doing it for ME. Dr. Johnson asks, does she roll over yet. My response, "Nope, not by herself. She's not really interested." So we lay her on her tummy and guess what. Yep...she rolls right over and almost falls off the table. Thanks baby, do it for the doctor, but not for mommy. Oh well, the Dr. was happy. 

3. Savannah does not like new people. This one I already knew but it showed again when the nurse got up and personal. As soon as she got Little Miss's attention and started talking to her, all hell broke loose. I made sure the nurse knew it wasn't just her...she doesn't like a lot of people haha

4. Baby girl has eczema. Ouchy! We were given a special cream because it's also inflamed. We'll also start putting coconut oil on those itchy spots. 

Then we got to enjoy the shots. Personally, I'm terrified of shots. I didn't even get the flu vaccine while I was pregnant because they freak me out so bad. So it was awful watching them stick those freaking long needles in my baby girl. And boy did she cry! But then they gave her the liquid medication and she calmed down and fell asleep in about five minutes once we got out to the car. 

And, this is very exciting, we get to start on solids! This I'm pretty sure she's going to love! Any suggestions on good recipes for baby? I'm planning on making her baby food instead of buying it. Healthier and cheaper! 

Lastly but not least, I want to thank my darling daughter for pooping on my pants. She insists on eating while she poops and so was cuddled right up to her mommy. Of course, nothing got on her, but somehow some poo managed to slip out right onto my blue capris. The joys of parenting! 

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