Monday, July 8, 2013

How to Grow a Baby

Are you a new parent? Are you an old parent? Are you having trouble figuring out how to grow your baby? Well step aside parental fear, jump back baby jitters! We have all the information here for you in 10 easy steps. Follow these guidelines and you will never again have problems growing a youngster!

10 Steps to Grow a Baby

1. Always speak in nonsense and with high pitched tones. If you
    sound ridiculous, you're doing it right

2. Expose baby to sunlight and fresh air each day.

3. Water daily

4. Give baby to dad multiple times in the day...and go take a
    bubble bath.

5. Naked time is recommended

6. Babies like cameras and flourish in both looks and self
    confidence when being photographed
    constantly, so always have that camera ready

7. Fertilize frequently. There are many fertilizers to choose from.
    The natural fertilizer is preferable but babies will thrive on
    synthetic fertilizer as well. 

8. Encourage funny face making. This exercises the facial muscles
    and promotes a sense of humor

9. Place infant in cage for rest periods. Babies like cages

10. And last but not least....chubby cheeks are good for kissing.
      Apply generously 

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