Friday, November 29, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving

When did Thanksgiving become such a stressful occasion?? Oh wait, that's right...when we had a kid. Of course Savannah just couldn't wait until AFTER our thanksgiving trip to start getting those top teeth in. No, it was so much more fun to experience it during the holidays while we were out of town.

For a baby who is already clingy and a big momma's girl, the extra discomfort just made everything even better. Not to mention going from one big crowd to another while everyone talks and yells and makes it pretty much impossible for a little gal to take a nap. Yeah...we were up every two hours with the little miss the night before Thanksgiving.

Let's just say, we were very happy to get home last night and sleep in our own beds!

But! It was so great to be able to spend time with so much family! The food was DELICIOUS and Savannah really really really liked sampling everything. Her aunties were complaining that I stuff her with food but how can you say no to that little chubby face begging for another bite of pie??

What was really awesome was that I got to see 3 of my very best friends from the high school days! Miss Sarah Stephenson stopped by and I got caught up on her very fabulous life. Can you believe that girl is going to go off to L.A. or New York or somewhere else equally exciting after she graduates??

And Whitney and Jordan (cutest married couple ever, btw) got a little visit from us! We haven't seen them for over a year and they got to meet Savannah for the first time! It was so fun to be able to spend some time with them and just relax a little bit.

I definitely miss these people! As a parent, it's a lot harder to make friends so it's nice to be able to hang out with people who you've known for so so long.

Sorry I have no holiday pics to share but as the little lady gets older I'm so busy chasing her around I forget to snap her adorable moments! Speaking of won't be too long before our big girl starts walking! Already 10 months old! I just can't believe it! The time really does go by so fast and they learn everything so quickly!

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I am so grateful for my beautiful family. I'm grateful for wet slobbery kisses, for smiles, for amazing food. I'm grateful for all the love that we receive.

Mostly I'm grateful for Heavenly Father's presence in our lives. He is always there helping us along the way and sending gentle reminders that we are all special :)

HAPPY THANKSGIVING...and please, be careful out there this black friday. try not to hurt anyone, and stay away from the old lady's with the big bags...they are the most dangerous.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Dance Parties and Answered Prayers

Today I'm thankful for dance parties. There's nothing like twirling your baby around the room as she laughs that adorable laugh and watching your husband let loose his hilariously weird moves.

And I'm grateful for the prayer that was answered for me today. Just a simple prayer that I could have the day with Bryce without him needing to work. Guess started raining. His boss called to let him know that there would be no work today because of it. Heavenly Father knows exactly what we need and will even answer prayers that seem so ridiculous to other people.

Thank you Heavenly Father, thanks for the rain.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Who I want to be

Sometimes life changes can be really difficult to adjust to. I'm just beginning to recognize how much I've changed since I've become a mom, and not all of it is good. While I feel that I've made the right decision being a stay at home mom and devoting my time to Savannah, sitting at home all the time with each day a repetitive montage of housecleaning has been sucking me dry of a lot of passion and love for life.

A lot of us experience the "baby blues" but what I didn't realize is that sometimes it can last for quite a while, especially if you don't take the time to be your own person and to do things that you love rather than just focusing every bit of energy on being the perfect parent.

My friend Kaity sent me an email after I wrote her asking for some encouragement. She told me that

"God has different ways of helping us to become like him. In 5,000 years, no one will care that I learned it by going to Hong Kong, and you learned it by being a mom in Boise. Remember our life purpose, 3 Nephi 12:48. All that matters is progress. If you feel like sitting around and watching movies all day isn't helping you become more like God, then sit down and decide what will. Take time and write down WHO you want to be. This is so much more valuable than what you do. Then, decide how you will become that person. Make goals and set plans. This is one of the most valuable lessons I have learned as a missionary. Decide what you want. If you don't know, pray about it. Then make plans."

I want to take her advice and write down the attributes that I want to have and the type of person I want to be.

1. I want to be more patient with myself

  • I think this comes with time. I honestly don't know how to learn to be patient with oneself, so I'm setting a goal to read in the scriptures for 10 minutes every day. I think the scriptures hold all of the answers we are looking for and can direct us to the path that we should take. 

2. I want to be active

  • Getting out of the house is so difficult for me, not because I'm incapable of taking my daughter anywhere, but I've just been so lacking in motivation. So to start out, I'm going to sign up for a spinning class. I've always loved spinning and it makes me feel so great! 

3. I want to be more service oriented

  • I'm going to make a goal to do something for someone else once a week. Whether that's making someone cookies or bringing them a meal or volunteering or whatever opportunities come up.

4. I want to become an awesome cook

  • I'm going to cook something new every week, something that I've never made before.

5. I want to continue my college education

  • I'm not sure how I'm going to accomplish this goal right now. It's kind of difficult to take classes when we can't afford to pay for both mine and Bryce's education at the same time and I'm not willing to leave Savannah. I think I'm going to start saving up in order to take one online class.

6. I want to become a better seamstress

  • Maybe instead of watching shows in the evening I'll sew something!

7. I want to be the type of person who always has a smile

  • I'm going to make an effort to acknowledge my blessings every day.

8. I want to write a children's book

  • okay, so this is my secret desire. haha it's kind of been a dream of mine to write a children's book that has a powerful message. The most difficult thing about this is that children's books are usually focused heavily on the pictures and I don't have the artistic talent! But I'm going to keep working towards this goal because I think it would be a really fulfilling achievement. 
I know that I might not always meet my own expectations but I'm going to try to be the person who I want to be, which ultimately, is like Christ. I think the best thing I can do is just give Him all of my troubles and worries and trust that with His help, I can overcome.

Isn't it amazing that my friend is in Hong Kong, I haven't spoken to her in person for over 9 months, and she still has the ability to say exactly what I need to hear? I'm lucky to have her and so is China!

Saturday, November 16, 2013

The Healthiest Child

Isn't it amazing how easy social media has made it to criticize others or force your opinion on anyone that can read?

I've noticed a growing trend: moms feel the need to defend every single little decision they make in regards to their own children. moms feel like the need to slap the hand of mothers who don't have the same views as them.

no, but really, my child is kind of better...probably due to her squishy cheeks and overall her whole self

On Facebook, on blogs, and even to my face.

I hear:

Don't vaccinate your child! Any good mother knows that...

Vaccinate! You are neglectful if you don't...

Start your baby on solids early, it's good for them!

Never give your baby solids before 6 months, or even later! you will damage them forever.

If you let your baby watch any T.V. they will be forever ruined.

feed your baby more....feed your baby less

really? do we really have to do this? who cares! her son likes the boob! I don't really need to see it or read about why "attachment parenting" is horrible. let her do her thing and I'll do mine. thank. you. very. much.


You hear so many people's "opinions" that it becomes difficult to recognize what your own instincts are trying to tell you.

stop. just stop.

I'm realizing that whenever I ask for advice on Facebook, a lot of times I just get annoyed with the answers, and I begin doubting myself and my abilities as a mother. It's only when I stop, take a look at my child and think, "what does she need...what does SHE specifically need?" that I find the solution.

I'm not saying don't ever ask for advice, but ask someone who uses the same parenting methods or someone who is close to you who you can trust, like your mom or your sister. Ask a professional if you need to. Just don't ask a question on Facebook or social media unless you are okay with a bunch of people telling you what to do and hearing a lot of things that you really don't want to hear. I've definitely learned my lesson when it comes to this.

good thing they don't remember all the accidental head bonks 

Mothers: please stop forcing your own views down other people's throats. Just because you do something, or don't do something, doesn't mean it's right for everyone else or their children. If someone asks your opinion, sure, share it! But don't make them feel stupid or guilty. There's a difference between a suggestion and a command. There is a difference between a loving response filled with encouragement (the one thing we mommies need most!) and "I strongly suggest you do this or your baby will begin walking upside down and forever say naughty words in church" kind of answer. You DON'T have the be all end all answer to everything. And I say that to myself as well, just so ya know.

You know what, I couldn't care less if you vaccinate your baby. I vaccinate my child and I'm pretty sure she is going to be just fine. But awesome for you! you are a great mom.

I don't care if you give your baby solids at 4 months. Awesome for you! you are a great mom.

I'm sure the fact that your child never watches T.V. or plays video games will be a great benefit for them as they grow! Good for you! you are being an awesome mom.

You breastfeed? That's great! you are awesome

You don't breastfeed? Me neither! Sometimes breastfeeding just doesn't work out. you are awesome.

We are all trying to do our best. I'm trying my best. And I think that's enough. Don't let other people's opinions get you down. You do what you do best: be a mom.

And people, just mind your own business! We are all in the same boat...I mean, unless you miraculously know everything there is to know about child raising?

didn't think so. so keep it to yourself. 10 years down the road you might have a completely different opinion.

Whew! I feel better now.

Here's a picture of my baby to make you feel better too...I mean, isn't she precious? Just go ahead and let that smile brighten your day!

Fluffy Pancakes

I know most of us think that the pre-prepared pancake mix is deserving of our breakfast attention, but I'm here to tell you to say goodbye to those bags of gross! If you want a real breakfast, try these homemade pancakes! both delicious and oh so fluffy


3/4 C milk

2 TBL vinegar (you can use white vinegar or apple cider vinegar)

1 C flour

2 TBL white sugar

1 tsp baking POWDER

1/2 tsp baking SODA

1/2 tsp salt

1 egg

2 TBL butter (melted)

combine the milk and vinegar into a large bowl and whisk until mixed. Set aside to allow the milk to "sour"

combine all the dried ingredients into a small bowl (flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, baking soda)

add butter and egg into the milk/vinegar mixture and whisk.

add the dry ingredients into the bowl with the wet ingredients. whisk until combined. mixture shouldn't be lumpy but should be somewhat thick

using a 1/4 C measuring cup pour batter onto skillet. cook until done!

enjoy a delicious breakfast made from scratch!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Scheduling Baby

For all you ladies out there who have yet to be tormented by those tiny little creatures who slobber on your favorite jewelry and lick your face...

Let me let you in on a little secret. Babies just don't work like you think they're going to.

We all seem to think that darling is going to come along with this manual hanging from her neck that lets you know when to feed her, change her, and the exact times to lay her down for her naps.


if only....

as a mother, i spend hours, literally, hours, trying to figure out why she isn't taking naps, why she isn't sleeping all night..

am i feeding her enough?

is she getting too much solids and not enough formula?

is she overtired?

is she going to bed too early?....maybe it's too late....

and then I get on facebook and get on my mommy pages and ask all the members what time their baby goes to sleep, how much they feed him, why won't Savannah take naps longer than 30 minutes???

and then after getting the typical "is she teething?'

i call my sisters and ask them a billion questions

And then

I end up figuring it out all on my own....sort of....more like suffering through the tough parts until it eventually gets better


Honestly, no one else can give you the answers you are looking for, because each baby is so different and they simply DON'T come with a manual. it's all about trial and error people, trial and error.

But, sometimes just being informed can help! and so, if you are struggling with no naps/frequent night wake ups/problems eating

i've arranged some info all here conveniently in one location (would've saved me some time!)

1. Start tracking your baby's sleeping and eating patterns! yeah, i know what you're thinking..."what a waste of time!" but no. seriously. makes a huge difference. I've been using Baby ESP. It's an app you can download onto your phone and it makes it very easy to time naps and add anything your little mommy heart desires. Personally, I keep track of the times of bottle feedings and amounts, and times and lengths of naps. It'll even give you stats so you can see when you're baby usually takes a nap or how much she eats each day. It's AWESOME. no joke. since we've been using it, we've gone from 3-4 30 minute naps each day to one 2 hr nap and one 40-60 min nap.

2. It's good to know how much sleep your baby should be getting each day or she can either end up not getting enough and be overtired by the time bedtime arrives (and then you're dealing with a very unhappy child who just can't fall asleep) or they sleep too much and wake up frequently throughout the night. So here's a great resource


3.  take a deep breath. being a parent is hard, like, really hard. if you aren't a mommy yet, be prepared to have moments when you are so frustrated that you could walk out the door and never come back. be prepared to feel guilt. be prepared to have your world turned upside down. and be prepared to love like you never have before.

for those of you who are mommies. i know where you're coming from. whatever you are going through right now will get better. eventually those babies won't be pooping in a diaper or eating the cheerios off of the floor. eventually they will be having babies of their own and we can pass our awesome knowledge on...and laugh because then they will be the ones up all night!

So go ahead and let that monster sweep the floor with his tongue. one less cheerio for you to clean up

The Call

Just a couple of weeks ago I was called to be a Relief Society teacher in my ward. I teach on the second sunday of every month.

I've only given two lessons, but I already feel like this is the calling that God wants me to have at this point in my life. One thing that I am learning, is that as a teacher, you learn so much more than anybody else. As you prepare your lesson, the Spirit just guides you in ways that you never could imagine. You feel prompted towards focusing on just one thing. You are touched by the amazing comments of the woman around you and their ability to bring such unique perspectives into the lesson.

I LOVE teaching!

So I decided to share my lessons on my blog so that all of you can experience it too, and maybe you can use the material for one of your own lessons!

Once every month tune in for a spiritual feast!

DIY Recieving Blankets

Best Banana Bread

Ever since I discovered this recipe, I've been a HUGE fan of banana bread! Not only is it perfect for a delicious snack, but you can always throw the batter in some muffin tins or mini bread pans and share with your neighbors or give as a gift.

If you are looking for the tastiest banana bread recipe out there, you came to the right place!


1 1/2 C sugar

1/4 C softened butter (go for the real butter people, not that fake margarine crap)

2 eggs (better be cage free!)

2 bananas (they don't need to be old, in fact, I like it better when they are still yellow)

1/2 C + 2 TBL sour cream (this keeps the bread moist)

1 tsp vanilla

1 tsp salt

1 tsp baking SODA

2 C flour

chocolate chips, nuts, other mixings (optional)

okay, so first of all, it helps if you get all of your ingredients out and prepared beforehand.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees
cream your softened butter into your sugar. I do this simply by putting both ingredients into my kitchenAid and let it mix. Or you can use a hand mixer. mixture will still be dry but shouldn't be lumpy

take your two bananas and before opening them squeeze the skin in your fist. squeeze all over and you will begin to feel the banana softening inside. I've found this is much easier than mashing the banana and works even better. After the banana feels completely mushed, open the peel and add it to your butter and sugar mixture.

add eggs, sour cream, vanilla, salt, and baking soda. MIX

as the mixture continues to blend, slowly add the flour. I usually add about 1/2 C at a time.

once mixture is blended, add your chocolate chips or preferred mix in.

place batter into bread pan or muffin tins and place in oven

BAKING TIMES: this recipe can be touchy depending on elevation and size of bread pan

large bread pan: about 1 hour, but watch closely

small bread pans: about 40 minutes to an hour

muffins: about 30 minutes, but watch closely

enjoy your delicious banana bread! this is one of my favorites and now you can make it one of your own as well! Good luck!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Need to Feel Grateful

Today I am grateful for


I can't be sad when I get one of these gorgeous little grins.

"It only takes a split second to smile and forget, yet to someone that needed it, it can last a lifetime. We should all smile more often." Steve Maraboli

"oh no. Don't smile. You'll kill me. I stop breathing when you smile." Tessa Dare

"I was smiling yesterday, I am smiling today, and I will smile tomorrow. Simply because life is too short to cry for anything." Santosh Kalwar

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Challenge Complete

So for all of you wondering if I really went a week without using my computer, the answer is yes! However, I did get on last night in order to pay our rent and work on my upcoming Relief Society lesson. But I'm really proud that I was able to go so long.

At the beginning of this challenge, I didn't know how I would feel about it at the end....

would I freak out from lack of computer time and refuse to let it leave my sight like I did at the end of mine and Kaity's no sugar challenge a couple of years ago (afterwards we immediately went to chili's and got a molten lava cake and swore to always eat sugar forever afterwards)? would i hate myself and raise my eyebrows at anyone who tried to do the same thing (like I did after the stupid juice fast i was talked into doing...again with Kaity....)?

Happily, today it's neither.

I would say day one was probably the hardest. Basically, I kept hearing phantom alerts from facebook all day and had a nearly uncontrollable urge to lie to everyone i know and sneak little glimpses of pinterest.

Day two: the withdrawals....they were painful. But instead of moping, I just headed over to my sister's and spent the day with her.

Day three: things were getting easier. I was noticing less and less my need for constant online connection. Savannah and I even went shopping and got her some new jammies and an adorable winter hat.

Day four and five: these days were rough. Bryce worked all day on Saturday and the little one was a grump. I barely made it through alive. The evenings were always the worst. I had nothing to I forced myself to clean the bedroom and kitchen.

Day six: Sunday! Best day ever. Bryce was home and we got to go to church and then spend time with some family.

What I discovered through this whole week is that Facebook and Candy Crush and all those things that usually take up so much of my time are really pretty worthless. Getting on facebook again I realized how boring it is and how lame most of the posts are.

"I'm hungry, think I'll eat a sandwich."

"I'm tired, think I'll take a nap."

"It's snowing."

Thanks facebook, I'm really glad that you let me know it's cold outside and you haven't eaten all day.

What is with us??? Why do we let such stupid things rule our lives? Facebook is nice for keeping up with family and can have some other awesome uses, but when we measure our lives by how many facebook friends we have and how many likes we get on a post we need to stop and re group. I've done so much more this week than ever. I actually cleaned the bathroom...yep....and it needed it! There's so much I neglect when I sit on the computer all day, including my little girl.

so even though my challenge is over, I'm still going to be doing some computer boundaries. Certain things have to be done before I get computer time, and I'm going to try to stay off of it until after Savannah goes to bed.

Facebook and computers and ipads aren't evil themselves, but why waste so much of our valuable time, time that we can never get back, staring at a screen instead of doing something useful or meaningful?

Overall, I'm so glad I did this! It was difficult, but worth the lesson I learned.

And now... a little update on our last week, because I know you're dying to see some pictures of Savannah.

this baby looooves her some cheerios

 the adorable hat I was talking about....she's my chubby little eskimo :)

 this week was spent chasing this little monster everywhere. she's getting into everything and she is sure keeping mommy and daddy on our toes!

 oh yes...let the standing begin! Savannah just up and decided to stand and now she wants to do it ALL THE TIME. it's so adorable watching her get on her hands and feet and stick her little bootie in the air in an attempt to stand! She's even started cruising! I don't even have to really worry about her falling because she figured out to just sit if she slips.

 like i said, she wants to stand all the time and will use anything that can give her any leverage

it's pretty awesome when you learn something new! and it's pretty awesome being the mommy of such an adorable little munchkin. thanks baby for making my life full of adventure