Friday, November 15, 2013

Best Banana Bread

Ever since I discovered this recipe, I've been a HUGE fan of banana bread! Not only is it perfect for a delicious snack, but you can always throw the batter in some muffin tins or mini bread pans and share with your neighbors or give as a gift.

If you are looking for the tastiest banana bread recipe out there, you came to the right place!


1 1/2 C sugar

1/4 C softened butter (go for the real butter people, not that fake margarine crap)

2 eggs (better be cage free!)

2 bananas (they don't need to be old, in fact, I like it better when they are still yellow)

1/2 C + 2 TBL sour cream (this keeps the bread moist)

1 tsp vanilla

1 tsp salt

1 tsp baking SODA

2 C flour

chocolate chips, nuts, other mixings (optional)

okay, so first of all, it helps if you get all of your ingredients out and prepared beforehand.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees
cream your softened butter into your sugar. I do this simply by putting both ingredients into my kitchenAid and let it mix. Or you can use a hand mixer. mixture will still be dry but shouldn't be lumpy

take your two bananas and before opening them squeeze the skin in your fist. squeeze all over and you will begin to feel the banana softening inside. I've found this is much easier than mashing the banana and works even better. After the banana feels completely mushed, open the peel and add it to your butter and sugar mixture.

add eggs, sour cream, vanilla, salt, and baking soda. MIX

as the mixture continues to blend, slowly add the flour. I usually add about 1/2 C at a time.

once mixture is blended, add your chocolate chips or preferred mix in.

place batter into bread pan or muffin tins and place in oven

BAKING TIMES: this recipe can be touchy depending on elevation and size of bread pan

large bread pan: about 1 hour, but watch closely

small bread pans: about 40 minutes to an hour

muffins: about 30 minutes, but watch closely

enjoy your delicious banana bread! this is one of my favorites and now you can make it one of your own as well! Good luck!

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