Saturday, November 16, 2013

The Healthiest Child

Isn't it amazing how easy social media has made it to criticize others or force your opinion on anyone that can read?

I've noticed a growing trend: moms feel the need to defend every single little decision they make in regards to their own children. moms feel like the need to slap the hand of mothers who don't have the same views as them.

no, but really, my child is kind of better...probably due to her squishy cheeks and overall her whole self

On Facebook, on blogs, and even to my face.

I hear:

Don't vaccinate your child! Any good mother knows that...

Vaccinate! You are neglectful if you don't...

Start your baby on solids early, it's good for them!

Never give your baby solids before 6 months, or even later! you will damage them forever.

If you let your baby watch any T.V. they will be forever ruined.

feed your baby more....feed your baby less

really? do we really have to do this? who cares! her son likes the boob! I don't really need to see it or read about why "attachment parenting" is horrible. let her do her thing and I'll do mine. thank. you. very. much.


You hear so many people's "opinions" that it becomes difficult to recognize what your own instincts are trying to tell you.

stop. just stop.

I'm realizing that whenever I ask for advice on Facebook, a lot of times I just get annoyed with the answers, and I begin doubting myself and my abilities as a mother. It's only when I stop, take a look at my child and think, "what does she need...what does SHE specifically need?" that I find the solution.

I'm not saying don't ever ask for advice, but ask someone who uses the same parenting methods or someone who is close to you who you can trust, like your mom or your sister. Ask a professional if you need to. Just don't ask a question on Facebook or social media unless you are okay with a bunch of people telling you what to do and hearing a lot of things that you really don't want to hear. I've definitely learned my lesson when it comes to this.

good thing they don't remember all the accidental head bonks 

Mothers: please stop forcing your own views down other people's throats. Just because you do something, or don't do something, doesn't mean it's right for everyone else or their children. If someone asks your opinion, sure, share it! But don't make them feel stupid or guilty. There's a difference between a suggestion and a command. There is a difference between a loving response filled with encouragement (the one thing we mommies need most!) and "I strongly suggest you do this or your baby will begin walking upside down and forever say naughty words in church" kind of answer. You DON'T have the be all end all answer to everything. And I say that to myself as well, just so ya know.

You know what, I couldn't care less if you vaccinate your baby. I vaccinate my child and I'm pretty sure she is going to be just fine. But awesome for you! you are a great mom.

I don't care if you give your baby solids at 4 months. Awesome for you! you are a great mom.

I'm sure the fact that your child never watches T.V. or plays video games will be a great benefit for them as they grow! Good for you! you are being an awesome mom.

You breastfeed? That's great! you are awesome

You don't breastfeed? Me neither! Sometimes breastfeeding just doesn't work out. you are awesome.

We are all trying to do our best. I'm trying my best. And I think that's enough. Don't let other people's opinions get you down. You do what you do best: be a mom.

And people, just mind your own business! We are all in the same boat...I mean, unless you miraculously know everything there is to know about child raising?

didn't think so. so keep it to yourself. 10 years down the road you might have a completely different opinion.

Whew! I feel better now.

Here's a picture of my baby to make you feel better too...I mean, isn't she precious? Just go ahead and let that smile brighten your day!

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