Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Challenge Complete

So for all of you wondering if I really went a week without using my computer, the answer is yes! However, I did get on last night in order to pay our rent and work on my upcoming Relief Society lesson. But I'm really proud that I was able to go so long.

At the beginning of this challenge, I didn't know how I would feel about it at the end....

would I freak out from lack of computer time and refuse to let it leave my sight like I did at the end of mine and Kaity's no sugar challenge a couple of years ago (afterwards we immediately went to chili's and got a molten lava cake and swore to always eat sugar forever afterwards)? would i hate myself and raise my eyebrows at anyone who tried to do the same thing (like I did after the stupid juice fast i was talked into doing...again with Kaity....)?

Happily, today it's neither.

I would say day one was probably the hardest. Basically, I kept hearing phantom alerts from facebook all day and had a nearly uncontrollable urge to lie to everyone i know and sneak little glimpses of pinterest.

Day two: the withdrawals....they were painful. But instead of moping, I just headed over to my sister's and spent the day with her.

Day three: things were getting easier. I was noticing less and less my need for constant online connection. Savannah and I even went shopping and got her some new jammies and an adorable winter hat.

Day four and five: these days were rough. Bryce worked all day on Saturday and the little one was a grump. I barely made it through alive. The evenings were always the worst. I had nothing to do...so I forced myself to clean the bedroom and kitchen.

Day six: Sunday! Best day ever. Bryce was home and we got to go to church and then spend time with some family.

What I discovered through this whole week is that Facebook and Candy Crush and all those things that usually take up so much of my time are really pretty worthless. Getting on facebook again I realized how boring it is and how lame most of the posts are.

"I'm hungry, think I'll eat a sandwich."

"I'm tired, think I'll take a nap."

"It's snowing."

Thanks facebook, I'm really glad that you let me know it's cold outside and you haven't eaten all day.

What is with us??? Why do we let such stupid things rule our lives? Facebook is nice for keeping up with family and can have some other awesome uses, but when we measure our lives by how many facebook friends we have and how many likes we get on a post we need to stop and re group. I've done so much more this week than ever. I actually cleaned the bathroom...yep....and it needed it! There's so much I neglect when I sit on the computer all day, including my little girl.

so even though my challenge is over, I'm still going to be doing some computer boundaries. Certain things have to be done before I get computer time, and I'm going to try to stay off of it until after Savannah goes to bed.

Facebook and computers and ipads aren't evil themselves, but why waste so much of our valuable time, time that we can never get back, staring at a screen instead of doing something useful or meaningful?

Overall, I'm so glad I did this! It was difficult, but worth the lesson I learned.

And now... a little update on our last week, because I know you're dying to see some pictures of Savannah.

this baby looooves her some cheerios

 the adorable hat I was talking about....she's my chubby little eskimo :)

 this week was spent chasing this little monster everywhere. she's getting into everything and she is sure keeping mommy and daddy on our toes!

 oh yes...let the standing begin! Savannah just up and decided to stand and now she wants to do it ALL THE TIME. it's so adorable watching her get on her hands and feet and stick her little bootie in the air in an attempt to stand! She's even started cruising! I don't even have to really worry about her falling because she figured out to just sit if she slips.

 like i said, she wants to stand all the time and will use anything that can give her any leverage

it's pretty awesome when you learn something new! and it's pretty awesome being the mommy of such an adorable little munchkin. thanks baby for making my life full of adventure

1 comment:

  1. Your comments about Kaity cracked me up. She tried to get me to do those things with her too. Nope and no way! And yesterday I just posted something about not eating. LOL! Too funny. ..And you're right, dumb. I agree, getting off my phone and computer while my kids are home is something I try to do, but am not always successful. Jazmin is good at reminding me though when I am not paying attention. I'm glad she does. I don't know if I want to get off during the day so that I have time to clean the bathroom though. That part sounds lousy. ...I should, but I don't wanna. :P :) ...P.S. You're Awesome Haylee! <3
